WordPress  on Windows VPS – Easy

Just click Install with Webmatrix and we’ll handle the rest.
The Microsoft Web Platform Installer will download any pre-requisites and then install WordPress for you.

Looking for a stable and reliable WordPress Server
Windows VPS with Webmatrix  is the best choice. 

Microsoft WebMatrix makes it easy for anyone to create a WordPress site. WordPress available from the Web Application Gallery is fully tested to run on WebMatrix. Customize your site easily and then publish it on the internet from a wide choice of hosting service providers. It’s just a Click Away

Get started today!

Getting Started

WebMatrix makes creating a WordPress site easy. WebMatrix will download, install and configure the latest version of WordPress for you automatically. WebMatrix provides everything you need including the web server, MySQL, and PHP. It also includes our URL Rewrite module for “Pretty Permalinks” in WordPress and WinCache to ensure your WordPress site runs fast on Windows.
By using the same stack on your development desktop that you’ll use on the server that hosts your clients’ site, the process of going live is painless and worry free.


WebMatrix lets you customize your WordPress site. The lightweight editor supports HTML, CSS and ASP.NET and makes you more productive with features such as color coding and tag completion. WebMatrix provides editing capabilities for your SQL Server database allowing you to modify your schema or edit data directly if needed.


WebMatrix makes it easy to publish your site to a hosted server. WebMatrix supports the standard FTP and Secure FTP protocols as well as Microsoft’s WebDeploy protocol. WebDeploy makes publishing even easier by automatically configuring your server first as well as smartly deploying only the files that have changed for any updates. WebDeploy can even synch your  development machine with your live site.

xPress VPS

1 gb
  • serveicon1 1GB memory
  • proc1  1 Core CPU
  • disk1  25GB disk
  • bw1 1TB bandwidth
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Enterprise Vps

4gb Ram
  • serveicon1 1GB memory
  • proc1  1 Core CPU
  • disk1  25GB disk
  • bw1 1TB bandwidth
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Platinum Vps

8gb Ram
  • serveicon1 1GB memory
  • proc1  1 Core CPU
  • disk1  25GB disk
  • bw1 1TB bandwidth
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How It Works

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