XAMPP Server on Windows VPS
Minimum Bloatware and Maximum Convenience

XAMPP is a completely free, easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP, and Perl.
The XAMPP open source package has been set up to be incredibly easy to install and to use.
Our premium hardware and networks give traders 24 hour access to their VPS from anywhere in the world allowing them to access and run their trading platform 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year.
It’s really hard to install Apache web server and the more harder is that when you want to install MySQL, PHP and Perl with Apache, in order to make the web development journey a lot more easier. XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution which contains MySQL, PHP and Perl for Windows
Get started today!
How It Works
Get Reliable and Blazing fast VPS in 3 simple steps.
We are always on – so callus Any-time.

Choose A Plan
Choose a vps plan which best suits the application you want to run

Signup , fill in your details , choose os , so we can provision your vps
Get started
Login to your panel to see your vps details , you start , stop restart , resize do a whole lot of stuff here
Instant setup of your windows vps - No more waiting
Create, Delete, Start / Stop Manage your vps now.