Installing a PvPGN server on a Windows VPS

To get a PvPGN server running on your VPS you are going to need to download the latest version from the official website. Installing the software and files: After the files have been downloaded on desktop, we can install the software, starting with extracting the files from the *.zip. First extract the PvPGN server: right click on PvPGN-1.8.5-0-Win32-*.zip –> Extract All… extract the files to C:\Program Files (x86)\ Second extract the pvpgn support files: right click on –> Extract All… extract the files to C:\Program Files (x86)\pvpgn-1.8.5\ browse into C:\Program Files (x86)\pvpgn-1.8.5\pvpgn-support-1.2\ select all files and copy them into C:\Program Files (x86)\pvpgn-1.8.5\files\ Starting the PvPGN server: browse into C:\Program Files (x86)\pvpgn-1.8.5\ double click on PvPGN.exe Congratulations! You have created a PvPGN Server. If you run into any problems check the log file generated automatically by the server in C:\Program Files (x86)\pvpgn-1.8.5\var\bnetd.log....